During the Christmas break I took a trip up to Horsey on the Norfolk coast where every year, between November and February, thousands of grey seals arrive to give birth and nurse their pups. It’s quite a site and this was my first time seeing it. As always, I took my camera along with me and created a short film of what I captured there. Even without the seals the coastline and surrounding countryside are stunning sights, so the film above is part wildlife film and part landscape photography.

During this time the beach is closed to the public for both the safety of the seals and visitors, however, viewing areas and roped off pathways are there for visitors. While there, my girlfriend and I made sure to keep on the roped off path and to keep our distance from any animals that had strayed onto these paths. Even when one very curious seal approached us, we made sure to give it it’s space and to make sure we didn’t touch it. As is mentioned in the film, if you do intend to visit the seals at Horsey please visit the Friends of Horsey Seals website. Here you’ll find information on what to do and not to do while visiting.

For the kit enthusiasts, this was shot on my BMPCC 4K using the 5/1 BRAW. The lens is the Olympus M.Zuiko ED 12-40mm F/2.8 Pro. All editing, titles and colour grading were done in Davinci.
